Known Issues
- If something should go terribly wrong, you might get your iPod into a state
where it requires some more advanced tools to be recovered!
Ask in #freemyipod-support
for recovery instructions.
- If you want NikePod accessories to still work after installing iLoader, don't let the installer remove the firmware partition.
- Do not reboot via the menu + select key combination shortly after you have booted up the apple firmware for
the first time after installing iLoader. If you do, it will probably not save its settings and start up with
the language selection menu again the next time you boot it. I don't know at which point it will save the
settings, but I have found a trick: Just connect the iPod via USB, add or remove a file, and properly unmount
and unplug it. This will cause a controlled reboot, which will save the settings.
- iTunes will probably want to restore your iPod, as with every other firmware replacement.
If you really want to use iTunes, just make a backup of all files on the iPod, let iTunes restore it,
and then copy all the files back. iTunes should recognize the iPod again at that point,
and iLoader should still work.
- Depending on your file system contents, it is possible that all data on the iPod will get erased
during the installation.